No further PBS savings measures required

24 Apr, 2014 reference : Medicines Partnership of Australia states that no further PBS savings measures are required or justified in the 2014 Federal…

Pharmacists rate highly on ethics and honesty

14 Apr, 2014 reference : Pharmacists have again performed extremely well in the annual Roy Morgan…

Job losses predicted in community pharmacy

2 Apr, 2014 reference : A national survey of pharmacies has…

Employment Expectations Report

 2 Apr, 2014 reference : Executive summary Community…

The Traditional Pharmacy Transformation For New Opportunity and Thought -To Expand Your Market, Perhaps “1+1

26 Apr, 2014 reference : Date/Issue of Original Article:2014/3/17-2014/3/23/藥師週刊第1859期 Article Author(s):藥師林俐妏 Translator(s):俊作 Source(s):…

The Battle of Defense for Health, the medicine make up for you “3.23” Campaign

26 Apr, 2014 reference : Date/Issue of Original Article:2014/3/10-2014/3/16/藥師週刊第1858期 Article Author(s):Miss. HSIEH,CHIA-CHI, LI,CHUN-LAN’s  Translator(s):俊作 Source(s):…

Fresh Graduates Struggling to Survive – Jobstreet Poll

15 Apr , 2014 reference : KUALA LUMPUR:  Most fresh graduates are struggling to make and meet with their average monthly salary of RM2, 500, a…

iBulletin 140410

10  Apr , 2014reference : MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members, The Council members had the privilege to hold a half-hour meeting on 8-4-14…

THE FUTURE Worries FOR Heath Care Treatment Treatment.

THE FUTURE Worries FOR Heath Care Treatment Treatment. The sizeable purpose of the proposal is to always adequately assess the long run complications for heath care treatment organization, Global physical health focus is keying in its…

Safety in Thailand

26 March, 2014 reference : Safety in Thailand FIP is pleased to inform you that the 60-day state of emergency imposed on Bangkok and other areas of Thailand…