Reports from Scholarship Winners

2018 Scholarship Winners- Mr. Chun-Wai Mai, Malaysia
Past Recipients
It is my great honor to be one of the recipients of the FIP Congress Travel Award. Certainly, I would like to thank the FIP Foundation and the Selection Committee for giving me this opportunity. It has been an exciting congress and there are…

2016 Scholarship Winners- Mr. Cristan Agaceta, Philippines
Past Recipients
76th FIP World Pharmacy Congress: Perspectives from a First-Timer
My FIP world congress journey started with observing the council meeting attended by members of the FIP board and executive committee. I was also there to show support to our…

2016 Scholarship winners-Ms. Su Su, China
Past Recipients
WPPF / FIP Scholar winner Ms Su Su from China shown with WPPF Executive members John Jackson and Leonila Ocampo at the FIP Congress in Buenos Aries 2016.
It is an honor for me to be granted this prestigious scholarship from FIP Education Foundation…

2014 Past Recipients-Mr Arnold Abhishek Ram, FIJI
Past RecipientsDetailsLast Updated on Thursday, 24 July 2014 09:44Published on Thursday, 24 July 2014 09:40Hits: 2388---It is an honor for me to be granted this prestigious scholarship from WPPF/FIP to attend the FIP congress in Bangkok Thailand this year.…

2014 Past Recipients-Mrs Vanny, Cambodia
Past RecipientsDetailsLast Updated on Thursday, 24 July 2014 09:36Published on Thursday, 24 July 2014 09:34Hits: 2145—This is my great honor to be chosen as a travel scholarship to joint FIP Congress in Bangkok, Thailand this year 2014. I would like to send…

2013 Past Recipients-Mr Nibhay Nand, Fiji
Past Recipients2013 WPPF/FIP Scholarship WinnersDetailsLast Updated on Friday, 14 February 2014 08:14Published on Friday, 31 May 2013 02:02Hits: 1126Congratulations to our winners for 2013 WPPF/FIP Scholarships!Mr. Nibhay Nand B.Pharm (CSU), MPS, FPSCommunity…

2013 Past Recipients-Mr Sheldon Silva from the Philippines
Past Recipients2013 WPPF/FIP Scholarship WinnersDetailsLast Updated on Friday, 14 February 2014 08:14Published on Friday, 31 May 2013 02:02Hits: 1126Congratulations to our winners for 2013 WPPF/FIP Scholarships!Madayaw! I would like to thank the WPPF and FIP…

2012 Past Recipients-Mr Paul Marvin Quizon, Phillippines
Past RecipientsPAUL MARVIN T. QUIZON, RPh, MSInstructorCollege of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines ManilaSecretary for Internal AffairsYoung Pharmacists Group-PhilippinesMemberBureau of Speakers, Philippine Pharmacists Association, Inc. It is a…

2012 Past Recipients-Mr Shaneel Kumar, Fiji
Past RecipientsSHANEEL KUMAR, B.Pharm (Fiji), PGDipClinPharm (UTAS), MSHPLecturer PharmacyDepartment of Health ScienceFiji School of MedicineCollege of Medicine, Nursing & Health SciencesFiji National UniversityW: (679) 3233727 M: (679) 9247295E: [email protected]:www.fnu.ac.fjW:…

2011 Past Recipients-Mr Bryan Posadas, Philippines
Past RecipientsBryan Santos Posadas, RPh MBAPharmacy Manager, Argent Business Consultants and Stores Specialists, Inc.Public Relations Officer, YPG – PhilippinesInstructor, UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University, College of PharmacyMember, Speaker’s…

2011 Past Recipients-Mr Lim Ka Keat, Malaysia
Past RecipientsLIM KA KEAT R.Ph., MMPSPharmacist,Healthcare Statistics Unit,Clinical Research Centre (CRC),Ministry of Health, Malaysia.Student Affairs Officer,Young Pharmacist Chapter,Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) It is indeed a great pleasure…

2010 Past Recipients-Ms Rosalynn Pangan, Philippines
Past RecipientsRosalynn L. Pangan, R.Ph.Department Manager, Pharmacy Dispensing & CompoundingSt. Luke’s Medical Center – Global City, PhilippinesExecutive Secretary, The Philippine Society of Hospital PharmacistsThe PhilippinesIt is with great pleasure…

2010 Past Recipients-Mrs Ha Nguyen Dieu, Vietnam
Past RecipientsNguyen Dieu Ha Drug Administration of Vietnam Vietnam A handbook on GPP; SOP to implement GPP; 100 Q&A related to GPP; a short documentary film to promote GPP implementation.A regulation to regulate the roadmap to implement GPP; trading…

2009 Past Recipients-Mr Shelldon I. Jagdon, Philippines
Past RecipientsShelldon I. JagdonMedExpress DrugstoreThe PhilippinesI am honored to have been chosen as one of the WPPF/FIP scholars. Not only with thetravel opportunity to Turkey, I now have the privilege and opportunity to build internationallinkage and…

2009 Past Recipients-Mr Muhammad Abdul Hadi, Malaysia
Past RecipientsMuhammad Abdul Hadi, BPharm.,MPharm(Clinical), R.PhLecturer in Clinical PharmacyFaculty of PharmacyUniversiti Technologi MARA,MalaysiaIt goes without any doubt that International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) annualcongress provides an excellent…

2007 Past Recipients-Ms Dinh Thi Thanh Thuy, Vietnam
Past RecipientsWinner of 2007 WPPF/FIP Travel ScholarshipMrs. Dinh Thi Thanh Thuy, VietnamShe is 35 years of age and married and graduated in pharmacy atHanoi University in 1993, studied English and completed an MAdegree at Hanoi University majoring in organisational…

2006 Past Recipients-Ms Sharon, Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Taiwan
Past Recipients蕭斐元 Sharon, Fei-Yuan Hsiao
886-2-27320778 • [email protected]

2006 Past Recipients-Mr Aaron Luke D’Souza, Australia
Past RecipientsFIP International Travel Scholarship ReportScholarship Summary Aaron Luke D’Souza B.Pharm, MPSCommunity PharmacistNationality: AustralianD.O.B: 20 April 1981Aaron D’Souza B.Pharm MPS39 Corrofin Street, Ferny Grove Q Australia [email protected]+61…

2005 Past Recipients-Mr Mohammad Haniki Nik Mahomed, Malaysia
Past Recipients2005 Winner of FIP Travel Scholarship ~Dr. Mohammad Haniki Nik Mahomed, MalaysiaBPharm Sci.U.Malaysia, PharmD Tennessee Sr. Lectr. Research Topic:"Tobacco and Smoking Cessation Skills for Pharmacists"Research Areas:Clinical Pharmacy/ Tobacco…

2005 Past Recipients-Mr Shane Jackson, Australia
Past Recipients2005 Winner of WPPF/FIP Travel Scholarship ~Dr. Shane Jackson, Australiapracticing community pharmacist, and one part-owner of a rural community pharmacy on the Tasman Peninsula in Tasmania, TAS, Australia.Research Topic:"quality use of medicines,…